Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hey y'all.

So right my favorite song is "Souvenirs" by my perpetual favorite band Switchfoot.

This song envokes the thought of memories, life decisions, and loved ones. Everytime I here this song I think of how blessed I am that I have received two different groups of people in my life since July. One is of course, the group of American students/fellow crazy people that I spent three weeks of language camp with (those weeks would be the second, third, and fourth best weeks of my life). The otther would be the 2012 Steubenville Atlanta LEADers. Both groups are some of the best friends I have ever had.

The first group helped me prepare for the totally craziness of life in Germany. The culture shock, homesickness, lonliness were all partially or totally erased over the course of those three weeks. I have never had a group of close friends with such a broad spectrum of beliefs, traits, and interests in my life. They are my primary support group while I am here, be always the first I run to when I encounter a problem or a conflict.

The second group, the LEADers, are just plain awesome. I grew so much spiritually in the week I spent with them. I truly think they are something I miss the most, along with my family and close friends. It never truly hit me how much I learned that week until I came here to Germany, how much I developed and matured. That week in Georgia before the Steubenville conference was probably crucial to spending my time well here.

But, "it does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live" and despite the fact that I dream where I can have all these people in my life again, here in Germany, it can't happen. So as I type this, the song ends, quickly picked up NEEDTOBREATE's Something Beautiful. A fitting song, considering, that is what I am here for. To see, to live, to expierence, to learn something beautiful. However, I have learned that because I maybe easily hitting the high point in my life so far. That doesn't mean I feel good all the time, or enjoy myself.

This is something I can parallel with one of my favorite books, "The Hobbit", Bilbo begins his adventure on an inkling, a thought that going on some mad trip to a mountain filled with treasure guarded by a blood thirsty dragon would somehow be worth it all. As it began, he felt lost, confused, not having a single idea what he was doing. Feelings I expierence everyday. But then the story progressed, Bilbo came to love the adeventure. So it is with me, and (to tie this whole mess of a blog post together) what kept Bilbo going in those early stages were his memories of Bag End, Hobbiton, and the Shire, alike my memories with those people keep me going everyday, all day.

Memories are a support, but can also fell a person so easily. One must be glad that those expierences, those people, are what carried him here, to this moment in time, in this world. But be careful not to get addicted to the drug of nostalgia, as that what causes men to wish they live in the past.

Praise and Thanks always,


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Morning in Germany

Sup guys,

So here I am in Germany, on a Sunday morning. I got up, realized I just missed Mass for the second time in a row (let's not get into that) and was like "hey I am gonna blog."

Not like I spend enough time on my laptop as is, but no worries it's just a time filler until things really start to kick off (first swim practice in Germany this Monday, so nervous/excited, plus I am starting to get a good group of friends going, but wish me luck) which are is starting this week. Right now my main two concerns are: 1) I need to start getting on top of my game as far as getting in with the "good" crowd (really hard to tell, it's like being a freshman all over again). 2) Last Friday (or two Friday's ago, I forgot how to phrase it) my class wass discussing something about an extended trip (week maybe?) later in September, it would kinda be nice to know what is going on, especially if I have to tell my parents to drop 200+ Euro (which should be interesting considering how my Visa card works here).

Okay I lied, I have three, the third is 3)So my plan for my birthday is to have a small party with my host family with cake and coffee (a German thing?) and then head out for a brewery tour later that evening with my host brother and a couple guys from school (not quite friends more like "hey your English is good, want to chill). Things is I am constantly being told to "live it up" and "party" by a lot of the guys in my class, I am not against having a few beers and heading out to a club, but there is a line that I already know I don't want to cross while I am here and that might turn into an issue next weekend (unlikely though if I keep my head straight).

To be honest, I am truly having a great time here, I do miss home and I look forward to when I can speak English, surf, speak more English, and actally be able to drive a car. BUT I am having a great time, and those pleasures from home can take as much time as they need to to return to my life.

As far as German is concerned, it is improving, I am noticing the more relaxed I am in a situation, the better it is. Mind you this is still two weeks (what?!?! it's felt like two DAYS) in and I still (after three years of studying German, sleeping in German II) sound like strongly American accented toddler.

but yeah, that it's for now!

P.S-my "looking forward to" list of things I am pretty stoked about for the next couple months and getting me through the hard-ish times (going to school and not being able to particpate...grr..just...grr)

1) Birthday party
2) Going to my favorite German city so far, Marburg the day after my birthday.
3) German swim team (little nervous too, I was decent back in the states and the coach asked me to try out and I don't want he/she to think I am Michael Phelps...or Tim Hupp for that matter)
4) When all the CIEE kids in Hesse MEET UP (if that ever happens before mid-year)
5) Mid-year seminar in Bonn (January, loooonnng ways away)
6) German Christmas and New Year #momnobodydoesthepicklethinghere
7) Seeing my brother at some point (Thanksgiving)
8) AMERICAN THANKSGIVING Chaa....hopefully either with all the Hesse kids or with Rachel Tempesco and Mrs.G in Stuttgart +host famalies (still working out the whole conversation of "hey, can we go Stuttgart to spend a holiday that isn't even celebrated here in a catle with people you don't know but I do, yet we are in Germany")

...and publish